Saturday, September 15, 2012

Green Cloud

My little poem

Some of you would sure like to read poems. I too like poems.

I wrote a poem on my own. here's the poem


I am a little cloud
sometimes I sound loud.

I may look grayish black
and a perfect shape I lack.

I go always here and there
collecting vapours everywhere.

When the weather is pretty cool
I rain to make water pool.

People feel me very dear
when my showers pass them near.

All my efforts go in vain
if you don't preserve my rain.

High time you all save drops
or else, for you there are no crops.

Remember each drop of mine is precious tear
to you at last I made it clear.


Friday, August 10, 2012

Lakeview water color paint

This water color painting i did with my dad's help and tips. your comments encouarage me to do more

Elephant colored drawing

I did this recently.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Coloured Home

I drew and coloured the abaove BMP. My dad encouraged me to do it.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Flower Pots - Craft Work

These are the pots which I made. First I took small earthen pots and mould them into flower pots. I used ceramic powder to prepare the surface. I glued ceramic flowers on the top. Then I painted them. FInally I made a polishcoat for a final glaze.

1st Prize Drawing

Hi all!
Look at the above drawing! This was the drawing that won me I prize at recent shilparamam drawing competetion in Vizag.

It's all crayon work with a concept " POLLUTIONS AND SOLUTIONS"

Thursday, June 28, 2012

new craftwork soon

Am making a new penstand from waste materials available at home. I will post it this weekend. See you soon

Monday, June 25, 2012

School reopened again!!!

On June 14 my school reopened again. Now I am in grade 7. I am very happy to meet my old classmates.

I decided to blog more and more from now on. To share more fun visit my blog often.